printing & trimming
Thank you for choosing our designs. As you may know, there are several options when it comes to printing your purchase.
Our files are designed for duplex printing. For optimal printing results please follow the instructions below.
IMPORTANT: Read this first, before you start printing:
Use your printers double-sided feature (if available)
Make sure to select “double sided” and remember to scale to 100% or select “actual size”
1 per page with crop marks (A5 & Half Letter)
2 per page with crop marks (Half Letter, Personal, Personal Wide, FCC, A6, Pocket)
Paper size to print on (choose the one you purchased) :
Change your printer settings to the right size dimensions according to your chosen size.
Select the portrait orientation and choose the option to flip on the short edge
Flip your pages manually
Manually flipping may vary depending on the way the printer feeds and outputs the pages. It is normal if sometimes, you see a blank page in the files. If you skip printing the blank page it might cause pages to match incorrectly.
Once printed cut along the provided cut marks and then punch the holes to fit your particular binder.
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